Strategic Advice
Roadmap for Results
Moving into new markets is always a challenge, especially internationally. Each region has its own rich history and social traditions that affect how business operates and deals get done. Moving effectively and strategically requires the kind of knowledge of the local environment that can only be gained over decades. Our experience in Brazil and Saudi Arabia has earned us the trust of key industry and government leaders which allows us to achieve demonstrable results
As governments around the world undergo transformations to serve their communities better, encourage fair business practices, combat corruption, and diversify their economies, they actively seek solution providers who are also willing to invest in producing benefits for the societies in which they operate. The Quincy Group takes this responsibility seriously and we have demonstrated that commitment over many years. This uniquely positions us to help create business opportunities for our clients.
Strategy Matters
At the Quincy Group, we advise our clients to embrace the long-term priorities of the regions in which they work. Effective relationships in these markets always focus on mutual benefit and alignment with national economic development priorities; truly strategic relationships must transcend the purely transactional. At the Quincy Group, we have deep understanding and experience in helping realize Brazilian and Saudi national imperatives. As a result, we are able to help our clients contextualize their brand equities in these markets.
Quincy will also work with you to mitigate a wide variety of risks. For example, your country strategy may include the need to form a joint venture or register as a wholly owned local company. At other times it is advisable to refrain from forming such entities. We understand the many benefits and pitfalls of each option.
You may also have offset obligations or you may be facing other requirements for localization of production that may include significant local investment. All of these come with particular risks and solutions with which we have previous experience.
Why Context Awareness is Essential
Doing business in Saudi Arabia and Brazil is different than doing business anywhere else in the world. Establishing successful and sustainable long-term business models very often require developing strong, personal relationships first.
Quincy can help you make your case to the right people in the right way at the right time.